We are building the future of professional training

A World For Us methodically reinvents the industry's digital tools to enable all players to succeed in their transformation.

The first ecosystem of
integrated training software
We create simple solutions that change the daily lives of those involved in professional training.

an all-in-one solution for
training professionals
Digiforma is the reference platform in its sector. Administrative management, customer relations, e-learning, quality monitoring, compliance
Digiforma makes the digital transformation of training organizations simple and (really) effective.
Digiforma, c’est aujourd’hui plus de 5500 clients, une croissance mensuelle à 2 chiffres, des dizaines d’organismes qui passent au blended learning chaque semaine et une communauté grandissante unique de professionnels.
the number one magazine
of the training
Digiformag is our online magazine 100% dedicated to training professionals. In only three years, the magazine has become one of the reference media in the field of training and counts nearly 50 000 visitors per month.
Training reform, OF management, e-learning or pedagogy: the magazine reports on all the news and innovations in the sector.
Our community of expert writers in the field of professional training allows us to offer our readers high value-added articles every week.

Digiforma Veille
Digiforma Veille is an automated monitoring tool dedicated to the training sector
Digiforma Veille is our monitoring service for training professionals. Digiforma Veille references the best sources of information in the sector and regularly proposes personalized news alerts.
Our ambition: to allow training professionals to stay informed, especially for structures wishing to obtain their Qualiopi certifications, which makes regular sector monitoring mandatory.
and optimise the management of your certifications
Digitalise your certification management.
With myCertif, go on automatic pilot and say "goodbye" to your Excel files. Get a complete digital solution to manage and control all your certification systems (CQP, RNCP titles, specific directory certifications, etc.).
A unique and intuitive tool to centralise, automate, secure, promote traceability and archive your certification activities. All your courses are centralised for simplified and collaborative management!

Experts in digital transition
Rich-ID is an agency that develops custom business solutions.
Rich-ID develops business softwares to centralise all the activity of companies in a single tool.
Our expertise allows us to propose digital tools to simplify and automate business processes: organise your contacts in a CRM, manage your documents and information, collaborate in real time, gain in productivity, enhance your internal processes, manage your projects efficiently, analyse your performance...
Skills HR
the skills catalogue
With the Skills Marketplace, it becomes easier to identify the right training for each of your needs and challenges.
Because the acquisition of the right skills is essential, discover our trusted Training Organisations.
Skills.hr wants to be the unique interface between the Training Organisations and the companies!

Skills Mag
the magazine of
training managers
Skills Mag is our online magazine dedicated to the vocational training experts in organisations.
Skills Mag aims to inform training professionals about news, reforms, regulations, financing methods, tools and innovations of training and skills management.
We bring together a community of training and HR experts to share analysis, advice and quality guides.
Un Vent Nouveau
La communauté Slack pour les RH engagés qui veulent impacter leur Organisation !
Un Vent Nouveau est une communauté RH slack gratuite de plus de 500 membres.
On y retrouve du partage d'expérience, des formats d'échanges et de networking, de la veille et des bonnes pratiques sur tous les enjeux RH du moments (people review, engagement collaborateur, outillage, etc).
De nombreuses rencontres thématiques gratuites toujours en petit groupe afin de garantir la qualité des échanges.
Pour que les RH se sentent un peu moins seuls dans leur quotidien

OF Connect
la communauté des organismes de formation connectés !
Lancée en janvier 2022 à l’initiative de Digiformag et d’une poignée de dirigeants d’Organismes de formation, OF Connect a pour objectif d’offrir un espace d’entraide et de veille pour les responsables d’OF et leurs équipes, quelque soit la taille ou le secteur d'activité.
OF Connect compte déjà 4 000 membres, tous professionnels dans la formation professionnelle.
Via une plateforme de discussion en ligne Slack, les membres peuvent facilement poser leurs questions, rencontrer d’autres acteurs de la formation professionnelle, participer à une série d’événements, questionner des experts et améliorer leur veille sur l’actualité du monde de la formation pro.
Evénements gratuits, rencontres avec des experts, veille et outils du formateur, une newsletter... Échangez avec d’autres OF sur des problématiques communes et monter en compétences !
The values of A World For Us
(borrowed from Basecamp)

Make a dent
in the universe

A business, not a startup (outside money is plan Z)

Put everyone
on the front lines

Stop commuting your life away

The fine team
A World For Us is a structure that has managed to remain on a human scale, totally self-financed and profitable.
Our objectives innovation and healthy growth.
What are our needs?
We are looking for Tech and Client profiles who want to join a close-knit team and contribute to product development in a sector that impacts us all.
Our fabulous
mood bills

229 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris
14 rue des balançoires, 69007 Lyon